Creative and Unique Names For Trolls for Fantasy Stories and Games

Names For Trolls

The world of fantasy and online interactions both feature trolls. These creatures, whether giant bridge dwellers or mischievous online pranksters, leave a lasting impression.ย  However, a crucial element often gets overlooked which is their name.ย  Our guide serves as your resource for Names For Trolls, offering a variety of ideas.

When building your troll, whether itโ€™s a fearsome forest guardian or a cunning online manipulator, a well-chosen name brings it to life. Envision a massive troll whose name reflects his booming footsteps?

Our guide explores various approaches to troll naming, providing a diverse selection of Names For Trolls to choose from. Weโ€™ll share descriptive names, where the trollโ€™s characteristics like size, strength, or cunning are directly incorporated into the name. Weโ€™ll also explore evocative names, where sounds and syllables evoke specific emotions or imagery. For a touch of humor, weโ€™ll even provide punny troll names.

But worry not, fellow creators!ย  Weโ€™ll provide you with a vast collection of names throughout our guide, compiled carefully. These diverse lists offer a springboard for inspiration, a starting point to ignite your creativity.

So, prepare to unleash a torrent of trollish titles!ย  With a little guidance and a dash of imagination, youโ€™ll be well on your way to picking the best Names For Trolls for your fictional character, toy, or online nemesis./h

500+ Best Names For Trolls

  • Grizzlethorn
  • Bramblefoot
  • Mossgrin
  • Cragglebash
  • Fungusmire
  • Thistleclaw
  • Stonebelly
  • Gnarlebog
  • Thundertusk
  • Bristleback
  • Rockjaw
  • Bogsnarl
  • Murktooth
  • Crustwhisker
  • Gravelgut
  • Snarlfinger
  • Mossyfang
  • Thornhide
  • Grufflegrip
  • Stumpfist
  • Gloomshade
  • Bramblewhisk
  • Brackenfoot
  • Thudspine
  • Mudbelly
  • Grumblestump
  • Cragglenose
  • Bogsplatter
  • Thornsnout
  • Stonethorn

Unique Names For Trolls

Canโ€™t find a Names For Trolls that no one else has? This list is full of strange and awesome ideas to make your troll one of a kind!

  • Grunk
  • Thragg
  • Gnarlok
  • Grokka
  • Drakthar
  • Snorlag
  • Thundrok
  • Griznok
  • Brumgorn
  • Gristlefang
  • Gnashok
  • Thumpgut
  • Snaggletooth
  • Throgar
  • Gloomshank
  • Brackthorn
  • Snikkle
  • Grimjaw
  • Rumblebelly
  • Stompclaw
  • Snagbark
  • Thuddrok
  • Gristlegnash
  • Bracktooth
  • Snikklash
  • Muckbelly
  • Thunkgut
  • Snarlgrip
  • Grimscale
  • Gnarlback

Comical Names For Trolls

Want to make your troll funny? This list has silly Names For Trolls and jokes in it that will make people laugh!

Badass Names For Trolls

Need a name that sounds super tough? This list has strong and scary names that are perfect for mean trolls!

  • Grommash Skullcrusher
  • Thragg Stonefist
  • Grokk Bloodbane
  • Grimtok Ironhide
  • Morgan Blackclaw
  • Drakka Doomhammer
  • Grulok Warbeast
  • Thokk Rocksmasher
  • Kraag Bonebreaker
  • Gromlok Deathbringer
  • Zulgor the Vicious
  • Throkka Blackjaw
  • Grimgor Skullsplitter
  • Hrothgar Goreblood
  • Kragg Doomgaze
  • Uzgash the Terrible
  • Skarr Bloodfiend
  • Thorgul Ironfist
  • Morgul Shadowblade
  • Griznak Bonecrusher
  • Drekka Stoneskin
  • Gruul the Merciless
  • Thargor Stonehammer
  • Skulrok Thunderhide
  • Grakk Bloodaxe
  • Vrok the Brutal
  • Nargul Darkclaw
  • Rogg Bonecrusher
  • Garroth Ironskull
  • Kraul the Destroyer

Clever Names For Trolls

Is your troll more like a brainiac than a bully? This list has smart-sounding names that show how clever your troll is!

  • Grumbleguts
  • Snaggletooth
  • Balderdash
  • Gloomglare
  • Muckmuncher
  • Gnashbone
  • Wartface
  • Thudknuckle
  • Boulderbelly
  • Swampstomp
  • Snickerfang
  • Stinkfoot
  • Swampjaw
  • Grotbelly
  • Lugnut
  • Mossclaw
  • Sludgebelch
  • Thudwhacker
  • Rumbleguts
  • Gloomstrike
  • Snaggletoe
  • Cragsmash
  • Bogbane
  • Gravel spit
  • Crunchtooth
  • Swampscowl
  • Brackentusk
  • Grizzlehide
  • Mudfang
  • Stonegrin

Cute Names For Trolls

Not all trolls have to be scary! This list has adorable Names For Trolls that are perfect for friendly trolls.

  • Snaggletooth
  • Twinkleberry
  • Fuzzykins
  • Marshmallow
  • Cuddlebug
  • Sparklebelly
  • Puddlefoot
  • Giggle snort
  • Fluffypaws
  • Snickerdoodle
  • Snugglewump
  • Wigglesnout
  • Sugarplum
  • Dimplewhisker
  • Snugglebump
  • Fuzzball
  • Cheekytoes
  • Ticklebelly
  • Sprinklewhisk
  • Giggleberry
  • Puddle jumper
  • Snugglebuns
  • Cuddlewhisk
  • Squeaks
  • Snugglepuff
  • Marshmellow
  • Glimmerfoot
  • Fluffernose
  • Snugglewumpus
  • Cuddlefluff

Male Names For Trolls

Looking for a name that sounds good for a boy troll? This list has strong names that fit a guy troll.

  • Grunk
  • Thragg
  • Grok
  • Thundrok
  • Snaggar
  • Grogg
  • Brumgorn
  • Griznok
  • Thump
  • Snarl
  • Grom
  • Brack
  • Rok
  • Grumm
  • Snik
  • Thudd
  • Snag
  • Throg
  • Stomp
  • Grunt
  • Thunk
  • Search
  • Grim
  • Drak
  • Grish
  • Krug
  • Thunk
  • Snort
  • Gristle
  • Grimsnarl

Funny Troll Names

This list has even more funny troll names that are different from the silly jokes. Theyโ€™ll still make people laugh!

  • Grumblebum
  • Snickerdoodle
  • Boogerbelly
  • Waffletoes
  • Muddlekins
  • Giggle snort
  • Bumblefuzz
  • Snortlebottom
  • Chuckleberry
  • Noodleknob
  • Dimplefluff
  • Taterbelly
  • Wobbleknock
  • Gobstopper
  • Slurpgurgle
  • Munchkinbutt
  • Flapdoodle
  • Wigglesnoot
  • Snifflewig
  • Puddle jump
  • Squishysquash
  • Boogleberry
  • Nogginflick
  • Puddlewhomp
  • Wigglepickle
  • Jigglypuff
  • Snoopysnoot
  • Doodlebug
  • Ticklepants
  • Noodlehead

Creative Names For Trolls

Need a name that makes people think? This list has names that are new and interesting, not boring!

  • Brambletooth
  • Mosswhisper
  • Stonewarden
  • Thistlegrin
  • Boulderhide
  • Shadowlurk
  • Rootgrip
  • Grimclaw
  • Rustlefang
  • Wraithbane
  • Thunderfoot
  • Thornback
  • Swift strike
  • Nightshade
  • Bramblethorn
  • Driftmaw
  • Emberfang
  • Frostbrow
  • Boulderjaw
  • Shadowhowl
  • Thornwhisper
  • Ironbark
  • Stormwrath
  • Mossfist
  • Grimscale
  • Earthshaker
  • Dreadmaw
  • Stonewhisper
  • Wildgrasp
  • Snarltooth

Girl Names For Trolls

Looking for a name that sounds good for a girl troll? This list has strong Names For Trolls that fit a girl troll.

Scary Names For a Troll

Want a name that sounds spooky and creepy? This list has names for a troll that will give people chills!

  • Grimtooth
  • Bloodspike
  • Gorefest
  • Bone cruncher
  • Doomgrip
  • Rotgut
  • Grimscale
  • Skullcrusher
  • Shadowfang
  • Nightstalker
  • Deathbringer
  • Fleshrend
  • Blackclaw
  • Gorefang
  • Rottenjaw
  • Vileclaw
  • Darkblight
  • Grimlash
  • Blightbane
  • Corpsegrinder
  • Wraithtooth
  • Dreadmaw
  • Scourgebone
  • Vilegrip
  • Raventooth
  • Shadowmaw
  • Venomclaw
  • Grimtusk
  • Ironfang
  • Skulldrill

Foodie Names For Trolls

Does your troll love to eat? This list has names based on yummy food that your troll might like!

  • Meatloaf
  • Gruel
  • Porkchop
  • Brisket
  • Dumpling
  • Crumb
  • Munch
  • Pickles
  • Ribs
  • Goulash
  • Sizzle
  • Biscuit
  • Nibbles
  • Stew
  • Gristle
  • Chomp
  • Sausage
  • Butter
  • T-Bone
  • Gravy
  • Tater
  • Snarf
  • Gummy
  • Nacho
  • Lard
  • Truffle
  • Ribeye
  • Chewie
  • Popcorn
  • Cookie

Giant and Classic Names For Trolls

Looking for a strong name for a big, old troll? This list has Names of trolls that people have used for trolls for a long time!

  • Grok the Colossal
  • Thragg Stonefist
  • Grumlok the Massive
  • Gargantua Boulderarm
  • Thudgrim Ironhide
  • Bront the Titan
  • Grimbash the Towering
  • Grommash Bigclaw
  • Grendok the Mighty
  • Boulderheart
  • Grimjaw Thunderfoot
  • Krakus the Hulking
  • Thokk the Enormous
  • Boulderbane
  • Grulm the Behemoth
  • Thunkar the Massive
  • Grimbash the Crusher
  • Stonecruncher
  • Thorg the Colossus
  • Gromm the Ogre
  • Thuddar Stonefist
  • Kragnor the Giant
  • Thokk the Stalwart
  • Grumbog the Goliath
  • Boulderthorn
  • Grungar the Huge
  • Thragg the Unyielding
  • Gronk the Mighty
  • Gromblar the Stout
  • Thrumm the Colossus

Modern Names For Small Trolls

Are your trolls little but cool? This list has names that sound new and different, perfect for small trolls!

  • Pebble
  • Twiggy
  • Mini
  • Tiny
  • Pip
  • Pebbles
  • Sprig
  • Sprout
  • Twig
  • Peb
  • Pipsqueak
  • Thimble
  • Thistle
  • Leaf
  • Small
  • Littles
  • Pebbles
  • Twiglet
  • Tinks
  • Button
  • Titch
  • Nibble
  • Bean
  • Dusty
  • Nettle
  • Fizz
  • Cricket
  • Fleck
  • Dot
  • Chip

Short Names For Trolls

Want a name thatโ€™s quick and easy to remember? This list has short names that are easy to say!

  • Grunt
  • Snag
  • Grog
  • Thud
  • Grub
  • Gloom
  • Muck
  • Snarl
  • Lump
  • Fizz
  • Thump
  • Bogg
  • Grit
  • Snick
  • Dusk
  • Bram
  • Grok
  • Skag
  • Zog
  • Shag
  • Vex
  • Fang
  • Brim
  • Krag
  • Scab
  • Flux
  • Plink
  • Dreg
  • Glint
  • Crux

Nature-Inspired Names For Trolls

Does your troll live outside in the woods or by the water? This list has names based on things you find in nature, like trees and rivers!

  • Thornroot
  • Mossbeard
  • Boulderhide
  • Ferns hade
  • Oakbark
  • Willow whispers
  • Stonefang
  • Brambleclaw
  • Thistlethorn
  • Driftwood
  • Pinecone
  • Pebblefoot
  • Cedar bark
  • Reedwhisker
  • Petalbloom
  • Marshgloom
  • Sunflower
  • Stormbranch
  • Vineclaw
  • Leafwhisper
  • Boulderback
  • Riverrock
  • Ashleaf
  • Frostbite
  • Timberjaw
  • Moondust
  • Nightshade
  • Duskwood
  • Echofall
  • Mistybrook

Animal-Inspired Names For Trolls

This list has names based on different animals, so your troll can be like a bear or a fox!

Names For Trolls

Tips for Picking Best Names For Trolls

Here are some tips we can offer to help you pick the best Names For Trolls,ย  categorized by their purpose:

General Tips:

  • Consider the Trollโ€™s Personality: Is your troll grumpy,ย mischievous,ย or cunning?ย A name that reflects their personality will make them feel more real.
  • Think About Sounds: Does your troll have a booming voice or a sly whisper?ย Choose a name with sounds that match their personality.
  • Short and Sweet: For gamer IDs or pet names,ย shorter names are easier to remember and type.
  • Unique vs. Familiar: For a fictional character,ย a unique name can stand out.ย But for a pet,ย a familiar name might be easier to remember and say.

Tips for Gamer IDs:

  • Availability Check: Make sure the name is available on your chosen gaming platform before getting attached!
  • Keep it Clean: Avoid offensive language or symbols that might get flagged.
  • Memorable and Catchy: A name thatโ€™s easy to remember will help you stand out in the online world.

Tips for Fictional Characters and Troll Toys:

  • World-Building: If your troll has a specific culture or history,ย consider incorporating those elements into the name.
  • Meaningful Connection: Does the name have a special meaning that connects to your trollโ€™s story?
  • Easy for Kids to Pronounce: For younger audiences,ย choose names that are easy to say and spell.

Tips for Pet Names:

  • Positive Associations: Choose a name that evokes positive feelings,ย like โ€œFluffyโ€ or โ€œGrumblesโ€ (if it fits their personality!).
  • Easy to Train: Shorter names with clear sounds are easier for pets to learn and respond to.
  • Consider Your Trollโ€™s Appearance: Does your troll have a distinctive feature?ย You can use that for inspiration,ย like โ€œBigfootโ€ for a giant troll.


We explored different ways to come up with Names For Trolls, from descriptive names that tell you all about the troll to funny names that will make you chuckle. We even provided a ton of pre-made names, sorted into different categories, to jumpstart your creativity.

So, with all these tips and ideas in mind, you should be well on your way to crafting the perfect troll name that truly captures the essence of your creation. Now go forth and unleash your inner troll-naming genius!


Unfortunately, thereโ€™s no one answer to this question! Trolls appear in myths and stories from all over the world, and itโ€™s hard to say for sure which one came first.

This might be a trick question! In the famous book โ€œThe Hobbitโ€ by J.R.R. Tolkien, there are three trolls Bilbo Baggins and the dwarves encounter. Their names are William, Tom, and Bert.

There isnโ€™t a specific god of trolls. In some stories, trolls are like powerful creatures, but they donโ€™t usually have their god.

Trolls are creatures from myths and stories, not real animals or people. They can be fun to imagine, though!

Different cultures have different names for troll-like creatures. In Norse mythology, they might be called Jรถtunn, and in Japan, they might be called Kappa.

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